David O. Russell’s Amsterdam is many things, sadly overlong and dull are among them. And let’s face it, with an absolute stacked cast of A-list talent, it’s a pretty big waste of potential. The laborious pacing and overly complicated script don’t help the proceedings. It’s odd, because while some stretches are a chore to get through, there are admittedly some that are delightfully entertaining. There’s just no consistency, nor are there many laughs. You know it’s bad when not even Chris Rock brings the funny.

Judd Apatow’s meta-Hollywood satire is big on star power, but short on comedy. It’s one large showbiz industry parody, but it has very little to say. Also not helping matters is the film’s bloated runtime. A throw-away spoof of this nature has no business pushing the 2 hour and 10-minute mark. But push it does. Maybe if this bubble didn't take so long to burst, I wouldn’t be so sour!

Yet another Liam Neeson-starring actioner, Memory is, in a word: forgettable. And no, the aged movie star isn’t the problem. That would be the B-movie script and made-for-TV production values. It’s lazy, uninspired, half-baked, and overly vanilla. If you’ve seen Taken, then you’ve seen allll Liam Neeson action movies. Do yourself a favor and skip this one - your brain will thank you!

It’s Morbin Time! Ok, not really. A rather dull-fanged downer, Morbius may have made a decent comic book film in 2003. Sadly, the whole thing falls into nonsensical territory more times than not. Let’s just say it’s best not to think too much about the so-called “science” stuff. And, amidst all the head scratching you’ll be doing, you may also be rolling your eyes at the uninspired special effects. The biggest sin, however, is the clunky and blatant bait-and-switch end credits scene. Morbius had been delayed for nearly 2 years, but trust me when I tell you, it was not worth the wait!

Far from a barn burner, this one is a straight up dumpster fire. Keith Thomas’ Firestarter amounts to an uninspired bit of horror blandness. Things start promising enough, with its stripped-down aesthetics and uneasy vibe. However, it doesn’t take long for the poorly written script and bland performances to take over. It has little to no frights and even fewer thrills. Plus, the final 15 minutes features some of the cheapest looking graphics I’ve seen in recent memory. I would say that this rather short (90 minute) reboot is akin to a low-grade episode of the X-Files, but that wouldn’t be fair to the X-Files – or other low-grade fare for that matter.

Black Bag
$4.4 million

The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
$1.8 million