BRIGHTBURN – “Mostly delivers on its devilishly clever premise”


David Yarovesky
- Elizabeth Banks as Tori Breyer
- David Denman as Kyle Breyer
- Jackson A. Dunn as Brandon Breyer/Brightburn
- Matt Jones as Noah McNichol
- Meredith Hagner as Merilee McNichol
- Becky Wahlstrom as Erica
What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister? With Brightburn, the visionary filmmaker of Guardians of the Galaxy and Slither presents a startling, subversive take on a radical new genre: superhero horror.
Brightburn is a unique superhero / horror film that mostly delivers on its devilishly clever premise. Admittedly however, a tad more substance would have done wonders for the overall story, as would a few added frights. Don’t get me wrong, the creep factor is definitely present here, as are effective jump scares, but it never gets as scary as it probably should. We do get a surprising amount of gore though - so if you like bloody and mangled body parts, you're in luck! And while performances are strong across the board (especially from our 3 leads), there are a few supporting characters that could have definitely used more fleshing out (uh, pun not intended?). All that to say, that while the end result isn’t perfect, it still serves as a well executed attempt at something different. And if nothing else, Brightburn proves that a superhero / horror mash-up can indeed work. So yeah, let’s keep this experiment going, shall we Hollywood?!

Paddington in Peru
$3.9 million