TRAP – “An extremely farfetched, yet entertaining, slice of escapism”


Directed by: : M. Night Shyamalan
• Josh Hartnett as Cooper
• Ariel Donoghue as Riley
• Saleka Shyamalan as Lady Raven
Cooper, a serial killer dubbed "The Butcher", joins his teenage daughter at a concert for pop star Lady Raven, an event he realizes is a trap set by police to catch him.
An extremely farfetched, yet entertaining, slice of escapism, M. Night Shyamalan’s Trap is another leave your brain at the door outing for the writer/director. And, like all other Shyamalan films, audiences are naturally going to wonder if this film has another one of his signature twists. Well, I’m here to tell you that there isn’t one – at least not past the intriguing premise. Although, there are some small “revelations” at the end, but it’s nowhere near mind-blowing surprises. Yes, it doesn’t take long for us to learn what the trailers already spoiled for us, that the doting dad is actually the diabolical serial killer. The movie becomes a cat and mouse game that, for the most part, takes place a concert. And yes, it’s silly, contrived, and full of “no way that would happen” moments, but there is no denying the cheeky campy fun. And while the dialogue is pretty abysmal, there’s no doubt that Josh Hartnett elevates Shyamalan’s clunky plot plenty. His shifty Jekyll and Hyde persona is really fun to watch. You can actually see the wheels turning inside his head with just a closeup of his eyes. As for the others in the cast, well, let’s just say it’s not as notable. However, nepo casting aside, Saleka Shyamalan’s pop star singing / performing talents were top notch. If only the movie didn’t spoon feed us every – single – plot point. Everything is so overly explained that it almost becomes insulting to our intelligence. The movie also has a bit of an ending problem, in that it drags on far too long. The predictable final shot doesn’t help matters either. Alas, Trap is not going to win over M. Night Shyamalan detractors, but it will amuse those looking for some silly Summer fun at the movies.

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